Monday, October 3, 2011

Go Forward in Faith

This past weekend was conference weekend. I love conference I love listening to what the Lord has to tell his people, but my favorite part is when a talk is specifically for me. Along with it being conference I also went down to Provo. I had a great time I once again had the opportunity to be with my cousins and friends and had some great experiences. Lately I find myself worried about things way to much, for example boys. I thought about them so much, questioning why I didn't have a boyfriend, or thinking what was wrong with me. It took a good friend of mine to show me that I was having a pity party. He also helped me realize that I need to stop worrying about finding someone, and that I am special and some guy will come along who is right for me. The next day in conference Elder Hales talked about having patience and trust things will happen on the Lords time just go forward in faith. At least this is what I got out of it.
Since that talk I have felt at peace, I am not worried or an emotional wreck I am just happy. I realized that I need to stop worrying trust in the Lord, and press forward in faith. Work on being the best disciple I can be and just be happy. I love my Heavenly Father he has blessed me and comforted me in many many ways. I love conference, and I love being truly happy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BYU Visit!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go down to Provo. I was able to get work off and my roommate was already driving that direction so everything seemed to work out just great. It was an awesome day filled with family and some great friends from both California and Washington!

My cousin Rachel, her boyfriend Alan, and I went to Sizzler for lunch, it was yummy and delicious. It was great to be with her and catch up, and spend some time getting to know her boyfriend who is way awesome and chill! She then took me back to her cute apartment and gave me a tour. After we walked across the street to the Duck Pond and met my friend Jordan.

Jordan and I had planned on going people watching but due to the random weather of rain, I thought I left Washington?? we went to nickel city instead. It was pretty awesome, we played DDR, guitar hero, ski ball, some basketball shooting game, and gun shooting game. I am proud to say I creamed him in Basketball and Ski Ball, but he beat me pretty much everything else.

We then met up with a friend of mine, Jennifer, and they took me on a tour of campus. It was confusing at first, so much bigger than Utah State, but I think I sorta figured it out at least I could tell you where the Wilk is. Jordan also bought me a BYU shirt, that I wear every night to bed! I know some may gasp at this purchased item for me, especially if you knew me well last year, but I have become more BYU tolerant and am not ashamed to say I actually kinda like that school. Maybe its because of a boy, I don't know haha!

Well after the tour we just sat and talked for a while which was so fun and great, I enjoyed the amount of laughter and I already miss the people. At least I can look forward to the next time I see them! In the meantime I can look at the photos I took and remember the fun time:

Jordan and his cool cup trick!

Jordan and I!

Jennifer and I!

Rachel and I at the duck pond! we have so many pictures together of us growing up but I have to say this is my favorite one!

Catch up!

Well it has been a while since I last posted and a good friend of mine, who I had no idea even read my blog told me to update. So here is an update!

Lets see I am back in school, I am a sophomore. Yay exciting. I am still just as confused about what I want to do with my life as I was last year, so we will see where I end up, I just hope to decide soon.
Before I get talking about school I just want to recap on the awesome summer that I had! I was in Puyallup Washington this summer and it was a BLAST! I met some great people and made some amazing friends! I could not be happier with the way the summer ended. Although I was unhappy that the summer ended.
School is now in full swing, meaning I have tests and quizzes all the time so it is keeping me very very busy. I actually should be doing homework right now but I am a professional procrastinator so here I am blogging! My social life is great I am meeting new people everyday and making new friends and I love it. I love my roommates they are awesome and so laid back and chill it is wonderful! So much better than last year! I lucked out. Well That is pretty much my life in a nut shell!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Bucket List

So this past week my brothers and I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of things to do over the summer, and soon it just came into our 35 item summer bucket list. I thought I might share what we have on it, we have already completed a few and extremely excited to tackle each one at some point this summer.

Our Summer Bucket List

  1. 1. Complete this bucket list

    2. Swim

    3. Make a music video

    4. Water fight

    5. Slip and slide

    6. Camp in back yard

    7. Star Gaze

    8. Play Tag in the rain

    9. Night games

    a. Ghost in the graveyard

    b. Capture the flag

    c. Kick the can

    d. Dodge ball

    e. Hide and seek

    10. Picnic

    11. Picture scavenger hunt

    12. Pull an all nighter

    13. Tie Dye

    14. Finish making home videos

    15. Carve out names in trees

    16. Watermelon eating contest

    17. Go to a baseball game

    18. Learn a different language

    19. Say yes to everything for a day

    20. Walk around with a sign that says free hugs

    21. Wash cars

    22. Play say it louder

    23. Giant pillow fight

    24. Make a fort

    25. Chalk drawings

    26. Fill a kiddy pool with whip cream and jump in it

    27. Take 1000 pictures

    28. Coke and mentos

    29. Set off fireworks

    30. Movie marathon

    31. Cook something we have never made before

    32. Secret ingredient

    33. House building competition

    34. Read 10 books each

    35. Write a song

Friday, March 4, 2011

Theme's of Spring 2011

When I started school last fall I decided to have a theme scripture every semester. This Spring semester the scripture I choose was 3 Nephi 12: 47
Old things are done away, and all things have become new.

I chose this scripture because lately I find myself thinking of the past and how easy it was, and how I really miss certain aspects of my life. One day as I was reading I came across this verse and really made me think. My life has and is changing and I have to embrace the changes and stop wanting to live in the past. It is not what we are suppose to do so this semester I hope to be reminded every day when I read this scripture to live in the here and now and be happy.

Secondly I put up a quote on my wall from Joseph Smith Jr. It is one of my all time favorite quotes.
"Sometimes the Lord brings us low, before he can lift us higher."
Such great wisdom from a prophet. I find myself feeling down because times are hard but when I remember this quote I know that there has to be some good coming my way in the future. It helps me get through those hard days.

I am grateful for words of advice we are given from prophets. This church is true and I love it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well I haven't exactly been a devoted blogger, considering I haven't put anything up since October. So just for a quick recap so I can get back to my homework and packing for spring break. I am now onto my second semester of my freshman year at Utah State. Currently I am going into social work with hopes to get a Masters in school Counseling. I haven't really dove into much of the actual curriculum just generals so so far school has just been alright nothing to outstanding. Last weekend I was able to go to Idaho with Katie and visit Grandparents. It was so fun and I wish I could have stayed longer and not gone to school! It was hard to say goodbye but hopefully I will see them in the near future. I can't wait to go home for spring break it should be great! Oh I recently got a job. I am a Janitor for Biomat, a plasma donation center. I am really excited, not because of the actual job but more the fact that I am earning a little bit of money to help with finances next year. Well that is about all for me hopefully I will post more regularly, although don't plan on it I am very busy with school, anyways we will see!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Well now that I have officially been gone from home for over a month I have decided to jump into the blogging world. I am at Utah State and loving every minute of it! I have some amazing roommates (Hailey, Kina, and Nessa) and pretty spectacular friends! They keep me laughing and entertained I love them all.
I have a few college experiences that I want to highlight:
- For starters I having wonderful roommate bonding experiences. Consisting of:

-decorating our front room

-having fun drawing on our dry erase board

-building a blanket fort!

- tickle wars

-late night chats, where really funny quotes are formed!

- Bee killing!!

-and DI trips

- Great FHE activities

-a Corn Maze

-Making new friends!! Tim and Jaque you make me laugh!!

oh Tim and Jaque fighting and ruining our furniture

-first of all I got a job working after football games which is nice. So I guess I should be thankful for football and rich people who pay for suites that I get to clean. Second we won our home opener! We played ISU and won 38-17! Finally is the best part we BEAT BYU!!! hahaha for all those who thought you would cream us well you were WRONG!! We beat BYU 31-16, such a great game!

As you can tell I am livin' and lovin' life and college is the best! GO AGGIES!!!!